Books: Alphabetical

Here are all the books I have logged in this site arranged in alphabetical order.

Friday by Robert A. Heinlein

Even as an audio book, this was a chore to get through. It’s a tale of a future with... more

From Russia with Love by Ian Fleming

Bond travels to Istanbul to meet with a rogue Russian agent who claims to be in love with him.... more

The Future and its Enemies by Virginia Postrel

Postrel makes the case for decentralized, dynamic systems. The obvious application of this is in free-market versus command-style economies,... more

The Galaxy Primes by E.E. Doc Smith

I don’t think I really like science fiction. Sure there have been a few stories I liked, Dune, The Ender... more

Garth Marenghi’s Incarcerat by Garth Marenghi

Incarcerat continues much along the same lines as Terrortome. Things start to lose steam in the last part of... more

Garth Marenghi’s TerrorTome by Garth Marenghi

The audiobook is the way to go here. The character of Garth Marenghi (who reads the book) is hilarious... more

The Gay Detective by Lou Rand

A short, fun read with a simple plot and one-dimensional characters, but that should go without saying for just... more

Gods of Risk by James S. A. Corey

Looks like The Expanse TV show will not be returning so now I have to read a dozen novels... more

Gods’ Man: A Novel in Woodcuts by Lynd Ward

Beautiful wood engravings are the reason to “read” this.

The Golden Spiders by Rex Stout

Nero Wolfe is a dick. It’s a wonder that this mostly unlikable character spawned such a successful series of... more

Groucho And Me by Groucho Marx

This autobiography was pretty uninformative. Reads more like a compilation of unrelated essays about with a little bit of... more

The Gulag Archipelago (Vol. I & II) by Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn

This massive book has been sitting on my shelf taunting me for twenty-plus years. Ages ago it was recommended... more

The Gunslinger by Stephen King

Starts out pretty good, but decends into the idiotic by the end.

Guston by Robert Storr

Philip Guston started as a WPA muralist, then became one of the leading figures of abstract expressionism. He is... more

H.M.S. Surprise by Patrick O'Brian

Weakest of the first 3 Aubry Maturin books.

Hans Baldung Grien: Prints and Drawings by James H. Marrow

An excellent catalog of graphic artworks by this famous student of Dürer. A good chunk of this deals with... more

Happy Endings by Jim Norton

Norton is usually a very entertaining guest on whatever chat show on which he appears. However, I’ve watched his... more

The Happy Return (aka Beat to Quarters) by C. F. Forester

Thought I’d give this series a try after finishing the Aubry/Maturn series. Hornblower is definately a simpler read, and... more

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J. K. Rowling

A satisfying ending to a wonderful series of books. The rating reflects my opinion of the series more than... more

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince by J. K. Rowling

It was a good read even though it’s about wizards and other nerdy things.

Haunted by Chuck Palahniuk

Starts out with some amusing short stories but never amounts to much. The main plot line is barely existent... more

Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad

I read this mostly because I am an admirer of Apocalypse Now. It sorta lost me by the end so... more

Heirs of the Fallen Kingdoms by Landon Knepp

Along with Barefoot Aivnesi this is backstory for the Tower and Tree fantasy novels. I’m not quite invested enough... more

The Hero of Ages by Brandon Sanderson

The Hero of Ages picks up a year or so after the events of The Well of Ascension. This final volume... more

Hieronymus Bosch by Walter S. Gibson

This short and small volume does a good job in contextualizing the work of Bosch. Lots of images but... more

The High Window by Raymond Chandler

Phillip Marlowe has been hired to track down a stolen gold coin and, of course, it leads to murder.... more

How Adam Smith Can Change Your Life: An Unexpected Guide to Human Nature and Happiness by Russ Roberts

In this book Roberts (of EconTalk fame) takes Adam Smith’s other major work, The Theory of Moral Sentiments, and makes it understandable in a... more

How the Scots Invented the Modern World: The True Story of How Western Europe’s Poorest Nation Created Our World and Everything In It by Arthur Herman

Quite frankly I was bored by this litany of Scottish people and their ancestors and all their accomplishments. I... more

How to Piss in Public: From Teenage Rebellion to the Hangover of Adulthood by Gavin McInnes

When I started this book I was apprehensive. As much as I love Gavin’s current incarnation as a wild... more

How We Decide by Jonah Lehrer

I am not usually a non-fiction reader outside of the occasional political tome, but I bought this after it... more

The Hundred Days by Patrick O'Brian

I’d recommend any book in this series. They have their highs and lows, but all-in-all I think this is... more

I Am Jackie Chan by Jackie Chan

Mildly amusing but poorly written memoir.

The Idiot by Fyodor Dostoevsky

Well, it’s no Crime and Punishment. The plot revolves mostly around relationships and character interactions within the rules of... more

The Iliad by Homer

This is the sort of book that I feel like I have read already but that is mostly because... more

In Fifty Years We’ll All Be Chicks by Adam Carolla

I decided to try this one out on a whim. I like Adam Carolla and his humor translated pretty... more

In the First Circle by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn brings us more thrilling tales from the gulag! This is his fictionalized account of life in the... more

The Ionian Mission by Patrick O'Brian

Listened to it as a book on tape. Good but lacked an over arching plot.

A History Of Wood Engraving by Albert Garrett

The title of this one is a bit deceptive. The book is actually a history of British wood engraving. It starts... more

James Ensor by Jacques Janssens

This is from one of those mass market art book series, Crown Art Library. I’m a sucker for these... more

The Joy of Hate: How to Triumph over Whiners in the Age of Phony Outrage by Greg Gutfeld

Gutfeld’s latest is a bit more focused than his last book. The primary theme of the book is that people... more

Junkie! by Jonathan Craig

This was a PlanetMonk Kindle reprint of a 50s pulp novel. I was expecting tons of scary drug use... more

Kill All Normies by Angela Nagle

This is a pretty good overview of the roots of (mostly) right-wing Internet subcultures and trolls with a little... more

King Jesus: A Novel by Robert Graves

I loved I, Claudius but was utterly bored by this. Maybe I would have appreciated more if I had... more

Lady of the Lake by Andrzej Sapkowski

The final Witcher book is a solid conclusion to the series but doesn’t quite stand up to the previous... more

A Clash of Kings by George R. R. Martin

Not quite as gripping as the first book in the series, but Martin maintains much of the same level... more

Last Argument of Kings by Joe Abercrombie

The final book of the First Law trilogy was a sort of step backwards from the previous book. In... more

The Last Wish by Andrzej Sapkowski

I’ve played the games, watched the television show, and now I am going to work my way through the... more

Let’s Tell a Story Together by Jimmy Maher

I’m a regular reader of Jimmy Maher’s blog The Digital Antiquarian which documents the history of the early days of home... more

Leviathan Falls by James S.A. Corey

The story of The Expanse has come to an end in a mostly satisfying way. The final book isn’t... more

Leviathan Wakes by James S. A. Corey

I’ve been watching The Expanse lately and wanted to get a taste of the novels that the show is based upon.... more

Liarmouth by John Waters

Over the first few chapters I thought this was going to be great. It’s exactly like a John Waters... more

Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left, From Mussolini to the Politics of Meaning by Jonah Goldberg

The thesis here is that, despite the constant cries of “fascism” when talking about right-wing policies, the real heirs... more

Liberalism by Ludwig von Mises

Short overview of the basics of classical liberalism with nary a reference to praxeology.

The Light Fantastic by Terry Pratchett

The story picks up right where The Colour of Magic with our heroes tumbling off the edge of the world. Book... more

The Little Sister by Raymond Chandler

For whatever reason this Philip Marlowe novel did not click with me. I had long stretches where I put... more

Lives of the Artists: Volume I by Giorgio Vasari

I started reading this thinking it would cover the techniques and materials of the Renaissance masters. Apparently, that’s another... more

The Lone Wolf #1: Night Raider by Mike Barry

This is essentially a Death Wish style vigilante story about a cop who really, really doesn’t like the drug trade. There is absolutely... more

Lord Edgware Dies by Agatha Christie

A perfectly serviceable Poirot mystery involving the most despicable kind of people on earth. That’s right, theater people.

Lord Hornblower by C. S. Forrester

Starts out nicely with Hornblower sent off to deal with a mutinous crew and keeps up the pace for... more

Lovers and Madmen by Barry Devlin

Above average 50’s pulp trash. See my Bent Pages recap.

The Making of Nox Archaist by Mark Lemmert

Here we go, yet another post about Nox Archaist. This book probably won’t be of much interest to people... more

Man and the State: The Political Philosophers by Various Authors

A good collection of political writings spanning from Hobbes to Marx. Hobbes and Locke lay down a nice foundation... more

The Man Who Folded Himself by David Gerrold

Interesting with a nice ending, but lacks any real plot complications to hook me in.

The Mandibles: A Family, 2029-2047 by Lionel Shriver

Apocalyptic dystopia from a libertarian perspective. Biases confirmed! In this story it’s not war, plague or environmental catastrophe that... more

Mario Bava: All the Colors of the Dark by Tim Lucas

This book is massive. Over a thousand pages filled with colorful photos, poster art and columns upon columns of... more

Marxism by Thomas Sowell

I got this as an audiobook, hoping to get a decent overview of what Marxism is without having to... more

The Mauritius Command by Patrick O'Brian

Much better than the last book in the series.

Mediocre Saviors by Landon Knepp

This was an enjoyable fantasy about a world that’s been turned to blight everywhere except a single kingdom which... more

The Mezzotint by Carol Wax

This is probably the definitive guide to the history and process of mezzotint printing. There are tons of images... more

Mistborn: The Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson

My post-Game of Thrones decent into pure phantasy nerdom continues with the Mistborn trilogy. This first book in the series... more

The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress by Robert Heinlein

This sci-fi classic starts off interestingly enough: in an authoritarian society on the Moon, an engineer befriends a self-aware... more

Mort by Terry Pratchett

So, I’m now four books into the Discworld series and I think I will keep going with it (only 33 more... more

Motherless Brooklyn by Jonathan Lethem

It has been a while since I’ve read a contemporary novel that I liked this much. Motherless Brooklyn is a pretty... more

Murder in Mesopotamia by Agatha Christie

Now much to say. It’s a swell Poirot mystery that is written in the first person from the perspective... more

The Murder of Roger Ackroyd by Agatha Christie

The ending was spoiled for me, but a clever twist indeed.

Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie

I read this knowing the ending but I still think it is a top-tier Poirot mystery. The confined setting... more

Mysteries of the Unknown: Ancient Wisdom and Secret Sects by Time-Life Books

The chapters on Free Masonry and The Golden Dawn were pretty informative. I think my big takeaway about these... more

Mysteries of the Unknown: Dreams and Dreaming by Time-Life Books

I found this volume in the Mysteries series to be much more readable and informative than the last few... more

Mysteries of the Unknown: Mysterious Creatures by Time-Life Books

The first chapter about sea creatures is probably the best part of this book. Lots of great illustrations of... more

Mysteries of the Unknown: Mystic Places by Time-Life Books

So far, my favorite of the MOTU series. I think I liked this one because there is some grounding... more

Mysteries of the Unknown: Phantom Encounters by Time Life Books

This book is a collection of anecdotal tales of various people from the olden days being visited by spirits.... more

Mysteries of the Unknown: Spirit Summonings by Time-Life Books

It’s been quite some time since I last dove into the Mysteries of the Unknown and this entry in... more

Mysteries of the Unknown: Time and Space by Time-Life Books

Seems like they are scraping the bottom of the barrel with this MotU entry. The book is roughly divided... more

Mysteries of the Unknown: Transformations by Time-Life Books

Transformations is divided into three main sections: native American shapeshifters, werewolves and vampires. The shapeshifters chapter is filled with interesting images... more

Mysteries of the Unknown: Witches and Witchcraft by Time Life Books

I enjoyed this one a lot more than Phantom Encounters. The historical accounts are more fact-based rather than anecdotal and... more

The Mysterious Affair at Styles by Agatha Christie

Pretty good mystery.

Mysterious Stranger by David Blaine

Some interesting magic history, a few neat tricks and lots of David Blaine’s self-hating magic style-endurance artist crap.

Mystery of the Blue Train by Agatha Christie

It’s been years since I read me some Poirot and it was refreshing to dive back in. I am a better... more

The Naked Sun by Isaac Asimov

A murder mystery on a sparsely populated planet where each person lives isolated from everyone else and all the... more

The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss

An extremely well written fantasy novel that steers clear of most of your standard fantasy fiction clichés. Sure, there... more

The New Right: A Journey to the Fringe of American Politics by Michael Malice

Malice takes a break from trolling to clarify what exactly “The New Right” is. The dear readers are guided through the intellectual... more

No Holds Barred by Barry Devlin

The ridiculous plot of this pulp trash novel is as follows: disgraced big city reporter winds up in small... more

No, They Can’t: Why Government Fails-But Individuals Succeed by John Stossel

John Stossel is awesome. I’ve been a fan ever since I was in the seventh grade and watched him... more

Not Accountable: Rethinking the Constitutionality of Public Employee Unions by Philip K. Howard

Public sector unions stink and cause all sorts of problems. This book points out just about every reason why... more

Not Cool: The Hipster Elite and Their War on You by Greg Gutfeld

Another enjoyable read from Red Eye host Greg Gutfeld. The thesis as I see it is that liberals own... more

The Nutmeg of Consolation by Patrick O'Brian

The Nutmeg of Consolation

The Occult in Art by Owen S. Rachleff

This massive coffee table book seems like it would be a lot cooler than it is. Despite its size,... more

The Odessa File by Frederick Forsyth

I vaguely recall reading this.

Old Man’s War by John Scalzi

This is a science fiction tale based on the premise that, sometime in the distant future, our planetary defense... more

On the Far Side of the World by Patrick O'Brian

Another nice entry in the Aubry Maturin series.