Engravings by Hogarth by Sean Shesgreen (7/10)

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This one is a giant Dover paperback with glorious, near actual-sized reproductions of most of William Hogarth’s prints. But, because I am a glutton for punishment, I read all the accompanying text. The introduction was a solid history of the artist, but all the plate blurbs are just literal descriptions of what we are already looking at. It’s like one of those DVD commentaries that Arnold Schwarzenegger would record.

The Last Story on Nintendo Wii (7/10)

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The Last Story is billed as an RPG but it’s really a third-person action game with very limited options for “action.” I remember this being listed on Amazon for $29 but that was too much for me at the time. My thinking was that I’d just wait until it drops below $20. Turns out it was one of the final Wii games released and the price never dropped. So here I am playing it in emulation. This was probably the wise move as save states and other conveniences make this a far less painful experience.

The game is heavily story-based. So much so that it feels like it’s 70 percent cut-scenes. To be fair, there are some pretty good characterizations of all your compatriots. They each have a little backstory and unique personalities. And the perpetually drunk Syrenne appears to be a fan favorite.

I was surprised by how effective the initial setup of the relationship between Zael and Calista is built up. You are introduced to her with a side mission involving being chased through the narrow city streets, hiding her in your local tavern, and finally ending the evening gazing at the stars. You know what, I actually may have given a crap about these two for a little bit. Unfortunately, this forbidden romance plot thread is quickly sidelined for a standard “big evil green guy vs. the world” with a dash of environmental conscientiousness JRPG plot.

When the game decides to actually allow you to control your character things start to break down. At it’s core, the combat is just a matter of pointing Zael towards and enemy and watching him swing his sword. The only choice you have in the matter is when to dodge/block and some positioning strategy.

I smell something too

Eventually you get more options to pause the combat and control party members actions, but there again, the options are pretty limited. Most of the time leaving your teammates on autopilot works just fine. Your job is to act like a magnet drawing enemies away from your spell-casters and then dashing into the spell effect area to boost the spells. Not until the last quarter of the game do the battles start to offer any challenge. There is so little agency offered to the player that some of the “epic” final battles descend into tedium as you rotate through your 2-3 options and dodge persistent attacks only to face yet another, tougher boss form evolution. But then again, this is pretty par for the course in JRPGs. Otakus love this crap.

For all my complaints I did stick with it to the end. And, for the record, this game has an extended epilogue ending that puts Return of the King to shame. The story becomes a somewhat confusing mess but it’s the individual character arcs that kept me interested. Overall, The Last Story was pretty good for a Wii title, but just okay in the grander scheme of things.

High Noon (7/10)

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A classic western that doesn’t hold up against my beloved spaghetti westerns. The acting is stilted and the continuous refrain of “Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling” is a bit much for my modern cinematic sensibilities. The idea of the lone man willing to stand up for what’s right is fine, but the plot is literally Gary Cooper trying to recruit a deputy every ten minutes, failing, and then going to the next guy until the gun fight at the end.

On the Air - Wood Engraving

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This image was printed from a block of end-grain maple on to a 10¼ x 8½ sheet of Kitakata paper. The paper has an ever-so-slight reddish buff color which makes it very hard to accurately scan.

Process Photos

Printing the First Proof

All Consuming - Wood Engraving

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I have finally gone back to wood engraving into a properly manufactured wood block. This print was engraved into a traditional end-grain maple block. Maple certainly doesn’t hold as much detail as resingrave but it is much easier to print and is more accommodating to various drawing transfer methods.

I don’t have much to say about the imagery here, just that I have been in the mood to draw monsters these days.

Process Photos

Printing a Proof

A quick short of the first proof being printed.

La Notte (7/10)

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I’m slowly working my way through the films of Michelangelo Antonioni. I think I liked this better than L’Avventura, but it is still a plot-less excuse to glorify middle-aged men and their barely-legal muses. The movie opens up with a loveless married couple visiting a dying old friend in the hospital and ends with them making out in the sand trap off the eighteenth green. The whole thing seems to symbolize an entire marriage over the course of a single 24 hour period. There’s lots of brooding and extramarital dalliances, and it’s all shot in a beautifully velvety black and white style (especially all the “notte” scenes). There’s also a long sequence of an exotic dancer balancing a wine glass on her head. Deep stuff guys!

Tiny Tina’s Assault on Dragon Keep on PC (8/10)

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A Borderlands 2 stand alone expansion that is more of the same from this franchise. In this one, you are playing a game within a game as Tiny Tina DM’s a table top RPG filled with dragons, wizards, and other fantasy archetypes. There is very little to distinguish it from the other games in the series other than the grenades now act as missile-style spells. You are still collecting randomly generated guns and pairing weapon types with various enemy types. The main reason for playing this is to get the usual doses of comedic stories and characters. Claptrap is searching for his wizard beard, Torgue is a jock looking to gain nerd-cred, etc. A worthy expansion if you like the series.

Skald: Against the Black Priory on PC (8/10)

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Skald was one of handful of Kickstarter projects that I have backed. It is a throwback tribute to 80s role playing games like Ultima or Phantasie with a heavy emphasis on pen-and-paper dice mechanics. Watching the game’s development has been pretty interesting. Early builds of the game look very much like the PC version of Ultima V. As the months (and years) went by that art style became much more detailed and modern stuff like weather and lighting effects were added. The final product is an incredibly detailed pixelized world to explore.

So much care has gone into every single map tile. There is an overwhelmingly brown and gray tone to the art. I think this is trying to be reminiscent of the Commodore 64 palette but at times, especially during nighttime battles, it became difficult to discern friend from foe from foliage. The art style extends into several lovely “cutscene” graphics and various dialogue screens. There are even fanciful medieval drop-cap letters in the text display.

All of this is in service of a Lovecraftian tale of dark fantasy in which various old creatures are emerging back into the world and corrupting the minds of men. As far as I could tell, there wasn’t much emergent gameplay. The story is pretty linear despite the initial open-world feel of the map. I am playing this just coming off of re-playing the first two Fallout games and perhaps I expect a bit more player choice in the narrative. But, to be fair, the Ultima games were basically adventure games with role-playing mechanics thrown on top.

The role-playing here is mostly about building the skills you can use in combat and navigating the world map. Many tasks in the game will require a stats checks and Skald literally shows dice rolling as it checks for success. As experience is gained and characters level up, the player can assign points to stats trees that differ based on class. Spells are gained, new attacks are learned, and various combat skills become unlocked.

Skald is at its best during combat. It recreates the turn-based strategy of the early Ultimas in which you control the actions of every character in order of initiative. It isn’t quite as tactical as the Wasteland sequels but there is a fair amount of positioning, spellcasting, ability management. Keeping everyone alive is a challenge and those battles that end with just a couple of party members still standing are exhilarating.

Skald falls short of greatness in that it does not quite live up to the potential of a next-gen 2-D RPG. Hopefully the engine will continue to be developed to add more environmental interactivity, a better dialogue system, and a more expansive and explorable over-world. During the Kickstarter there was walk of releasing development tools. I’d love to see what the modding community can come up with using this system.

Strip for Violence by Ed Lacy (7/10)

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The title and cover art have absolutely nothing to do with the story within the pages of the pulp detective novel. Strip for Violence is about a diminutive detective with judo skills whose small-time case involving a mysterious stone devolves into murder and mayhem. There are lots of distinct characters like Bobo the ex-boxer sidekick, Johnson the overweight postman, and Louise the tennis enthusiast. This is not exactly Shakespeare, but its a solid pulp thriller that was a light and entertaining read.