Blue Eyes of the Broken Doll
Giallo done Naschy style. Unfortunately that means you have to watch a pig being killed to no good reason.... more
Vengeance of the Zombies
The second movie in the Paul Naschy Collection sounds good on paper, but is ultimately a bit of a... more
The Designated Victim
I really enjoyed this giallo despite its lack of the more traditional motifs of black gloved killers and stylized... more
Horror Rises from the Tomb
I recently impulse bought the 5-disc Paul Naschy blu-ray collection having only seen a couple of his films (Panic... more
Juan of the Dead
A serviceable zombie movie whose hook is its communist Cuban setting. The characters refer to the undead as dissidents... more
I am hesitant to call this a giallo even though it often appears on lists of the genre’s films.... more
Oasis of Fear
Two hippies prance across Italy spreading peace and love while selling naked photos to finance their debauchery. After getting... more
A Cat in the Brain
One would think that a meta movie about horror director Lucio Fulci being overwhelmed by the gruesome images he... more
The Big Gundown
The Big Gundown is a top-tier spaghetti western that has a similar plot structure to Tuco’s story in The... more
There was so much mud in this movie it made me uncomfortable. C’mon guys, wipe you feet before you... more
Baba Yaga
In Baba Yaga a young photographer gets mesmerized by the magic of an older witch. She is gradually lured... more
The Colossus of Rhodes
Sergio Leone’s debut was the only film of his that I hadn’t yet seen. It’s a sword and sandals... more
A 70s gangster film from Italy starring Christopher Mitchum, son of Robert Mitchum. He looks like a spindly and... more
I recently had a late-night eBay shopping spree in which I bought blu-ray versions of several Leone Westerns. This... more
Who Killed the Prosecutor and Why?
The movie opens with a young photographer witnessing and photographing a mob-style killing. Then, in one of the stupidest... more
Umberto Lenzi directs this post-Baker giallo about a group of tourists in Barcelona who are killed off one-by-one by... more
Bahubali Parts 1 & 2
This is an epic Indian film from the director of RRR. The first part is better than the second... more
Almost Human
Uberto Lenzi’s poliziotteschi about a small-time criminal who decides to kidnap an heiress and ends up killing just about... more
1990: The Bronx Warriors
I have finally submitted myself to the precursor to Escape from the Bronx. It’s a more enjoyable than the... more
Il Sorriso Del Ragno
A Eurocrime thriller about a fellow who gets wrapped up in a jewelry robbery. I’m not sure if he... more
Violent Province
This is a terrible Poliziotteschi about a ruthless cop who has been kicked off the force but is determined... more
It’s a Predator sequel that doesn’t suck! The plot mirrors the first movie but the setting has been shifted... more
My Dear Killer
Several years ago I tried watching this when a YouTube user posted it on their channel. I came to... more
Der Fan
A teenage girl is obsessed with a new wave pop star. She writes him letters, follows him to Munich,... more
Warning from Space
The most notable thing from this 1964 Japanese sci-fi movie is silly the starfish alien designs. The point of... more
Terror Creatures from the Grave
I came across this movie when it was featured in a list of pre-Romero zombie movies. The only thing... more
Chariots of the Gods
Are all ancient religions actually based on alien encounters? Of course not, but that’s not going to stop these... more
Everything Everywhere All at Once
I was really excited to see this movie and so my viewing suffered from raised expectations. I liked it... more
The Mansion of Madness
This is a 70s low-budget version of a Poe tale by the director of Alucarda. A reporter goes to... more
Violent City
I have been looking for this movie for quite some time. I love Charles Bronson and I love Tele... more
A wildly entertaining Indian film about a man trying to save his sister from the evil British governor and... more
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness
There’s no escaping these superhero movies. I was trapped in rural America with two hours to kill and this... more
Spider-Man: No Way Home
I don’t really have any attachment to the old Spider-Men movies so the gimmick of bringing back the previous... more
The Girl in Room 2A
This Dick Randall produced giallo is, as one would expect, a complete mess. The plot seems to unfold randomly... more
The Devil In Maddalena
Like most who discover this movie, I knew about it only from Ennio Morricone’s legendary score. The title would... more
The Laughing Woman
The Blu-Ray version of The Forbidden Photos of a Lady Above Suspicion’s interviews and commentary mentioned Femina Ridens as... more
I’ve been cautiously sampling more Jess Franco films. This one is arty and incoherent. I’m sure there might be... more
So Sweet, So Dead
In So Sweet, So Dead a string of unfaithful society wives are being killed off by a maniac who... more
Knife of Ice
One more Carol Baker giallo in which she plays a character whose past trauma has made her mute (is... more
A Black Veil for Lisa
A police thriller in which the hero is a 60 year old detective who constantly thinks his 26 year... more
Plague of the Zombies
Hammer films, especially horror, are hit or miss (mostly miss). Plague of the Zombies is a rare exception. This... more
Holy Motors
I wanted to check out more of Leos Carax’s work after watching Annette, and this is the movie that... more
Metti, Una Sera a Cena
A late 60s drama about a love triangle that becomes a love square that becomes a love pentagram. Each... more
A Quiet Place to Kill
Carol Baker returns in another early giallo about a murder plot in which a wife is killed on a... more
I’m sorry to report, but the Neil Hamburger movie isn’t that good. It’s not a movie about the Neil... more
Thunder Road
I really liked The Wolf of Snow Hollow and needed to check out Jim Cumming’s debut. This one is... more
This is the first Lenzi/Baker thriller and I thought it was pretty good considering it really doesn’t have any... more
A Night at the Opera
The first MGM Marx Brothers movie looks great and finally has a real story to follow, but none of... more
So Sweet… So Perverse
Another pre-Argento giallo mystery that felt a lot like the movie I had just watched the night before, Diabolique.... more
I’ve listened to so many commentaries on my various giallo DVDs that cite this movie as one of the... more
The Creeping Flesh
A zero budget Hammer horror that’s built around a stupid looking monster skeleton that Peter Cushing is researching. Spill... more
The Sweet Body of Deborah
The Sweet Body of Deborah is an early giallo that is more of a straight up mystery rather than... more
The Strangler of Blackmoor Castle
This was a murder mystery about a hooded strangler who carves the letter M into the foreheads of his... more
Dune [2021]
Slow but true to the book, which, admit it, wasn’t the most exciting of reads—those first 100 pages are... more
The Lovers on the Bridge
This felt like every early 90s art film I saw as a college kid. A few memorable scenes that... more
Escape from the Bronx
A no-budget Italian ripoff of Escape from New York. Apparently, this is the sequel to Bronx Warriors so maybe... more
Macchie di Belletto (Un Detective)
In this crime mystery, Franco Nero plays a police detective whose methods include warrantless entry, lying, threatening, and smacking... more
The Valley of Gwangi
This is Ray Harryhausen’s excuse to animate a rampaging T-Rex. The plot is cowboys versus dinosaurs which sounds a... more
The Card Counter
The guy from the new Star Warses is a card player and gambler who learned his trade after 10... more
Mysterious Island
This 1961 movie based on the Jules Verne story follows a group of Civil War soldiers who escape from... more
Phantasm: Ravager
The fifth Phantasm mostly revolves around Reggie’s sanity as he slips back and forth between different realities. The Tall... more
The Vast of Night
A very talky horror movie that works on the premise that sound and atmosphere are what brings tension. The... more
Phantasm IV: Oblivion
The make it up as you go horror series continues. Feels much smaller than the last three installments, with... more
Phantasm III: Lord of the Dead
I love how the Phantasm sequels start off by completely negating the end of the previous film. Each film... more
Only Yesterday
Studio Ghibli animated film about a middle aged woman who apparently is obsessed with her year in fifth grade.... more
The Prestige
I watched this immediately after reading the book and I can definitively say that the movie is better. The... more
Horror movie character study about a “Video Nasties” censor who begins to mix the memories of losing her sister... more
The Dark Knight Rises
My superhero movie epilogue has me finally watching the third Batman film (in the good trilogy). The Dark Knight... more
Spider-Man: Far From Home
Okay, one last Marvel movie before end this diversion and get back to 70s sleaze (I’ve been told I... more
Avengers: Endgame
Finally, my quest to watch all these movies has come to an end. It’s a fitting climax but is... more
Ant-Man and the Wasp
Back to a sitcom-level Marvel movie. Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate the light tone but after Infinity War... more
Avengers: Infinity War
The years of dudes fighting in the sky and blue LASERs of death have lead to this event movie.... more
Thor: Ragnarok
What an incredible improvement over the last two Thor movies. They are no longer trying to be a poor... more
Black Panther
I can’t believe how much praise this Marvel installment received. It’s so cheesy but takes itself way too seriously.... more
Doctor Strange
The main story arc feels like a zillion other movies. What makes this one enjoyable is the dazzling array... more
Spiderman: Homecoming
I was surprised by how good this Marvel entry was. It’s genuinely funny, the main villain is well fleshed-out,... more
To Be or Not to Be
This is an odd duck with weird tonal issues. There are plenty of gonzo Mel Brooks moments but the... more
Captain America: Civil War
The story of the rift between the Avengers was not very compelling and is more of an excuse to... more
The story feels like a cheesy straight-to-video horror movie that came out in the late 80s but the visual... more
Avengers: Age of Ultron
The story is not very interesting and the movie is almost 60% dudes fighting in the sky lameness. We’re... more
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
The Guardians films remain the best of the Marvel movies. This is mostly due to their disconnect from Earthly... more
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
This one is a little better than the last few Marvel movies I’ve watched. The first half is basically... more
Thor: The Dark World
None of the actors except the guy who plays Loki appear to be having any fun. Everything just feels... more
Iron Man 3
These Marvel movies feel like a Television series, and by Television Series I mean a mindless sitcom that you... more
Fish out of water parts were okay. The stuff in Middle Earth was really dumb.
Iron Man 2
The great superhero slog continues. Robert Downey Jr.’s portrayal is fun, but nothing interesting really happens in this movie... more
The Beach House
An okay horror movie with some annoying acting at the beginning but it get better as the horror ratchets... more
Dead & Buried
I really didn’t know anything about this movie even though I remember the box art from the video rental... more
Captain Marvel
I have largely ignored superhero movies since the first Avengers movie. I never really dislike the ones I’ve seen,... more
Stop Making Sense
I’ll admit it, I really don’t like the Talking Heads. Their 3 or 4 radio hits are okay, but... more
In a Lonely Place
Bogart is screen writer with a short fuse who is wrongly accused of murder. His alibi is his new... more
I went into this knowing what to expect on the music side of things. It’s a further exploration of... more
The Zombie Walks
What a wonderfully goofy and fun movie. This is the first German Krimi film I have ever watched and... more
Dark Waters
A Russian horror movie about a island convent that houses some sort of demon that is released when a... more
There Will Be Blood
Daniel Day-Lewis acts up a storm while talking in a weird deep voice. He main nemesis comes across as... more
The Sparks Brothers
Since the late 80s, Sparks has been one of my favorite bands. Despite their long career there isn’t much... more
The Death of Stalin
A dark comedy in the vein of Dear Reader in which historical events are depicted in their absurd reality.... more
Troll Hunter
Found footage film about a group of Norwegian documentarians following a guy who hunts gigantic CGI trolls. Better than... more
Scott Pilgrim vs. the World
The skillful and clever style of this movie has become an aesthetic touchstone for just about every gaming YouTuber... more
Venus in Furs
I have had this on DVD for quite some time now and am re-watching it after noticing I never... more