Rumble in Hong Kong
An old Cantonese crime movie which is only noteworthy because Jackie Chan plays a thug with a giant black... more
The Menu
A horror/comedy about an exclusive restaurant and the patrons who are trapped there. It leans heavily into satire mocking... more
Neues Vom Hexer
The sequel to Der Hexer is more goofy than the original and is not really a good as a... more
The Baby
A swinging 70s family has a baby who’s a grown man. He babbles, cries and crawls around and no... more
Strange Darling
Excellent neo-noir that feels like a lot of the post-Pulp Fiction indies that came out in the 90s. Tense... more
Appointment with Death
The final Ustinov Poirot film is a Cannon film production but there is no karate in it. It’s cheap... more
This Nolan guy might actually be a good director. I really liked the movie, but, because the movie immediately... more
I appreciate big-budget sci-fi, but the story felt a bit too predictable and the expensive CGI setting was just... more
Red Desert
Another artsy Antonioni film, this time in color! This one seems to be all about desolation in a bleak,... more
A Better Tomorrow II
A Better Tomorrow did not need a sequel and the fact that they used a “long lost twin brother”... more
This is peak John Woo action. I don’t think the narrative is as strong as The Killer or A... more
Bullet in the Head
The John Woo movie is a collection of bonkers ideas that never really coalesces into a whole. Movie starts... more
T2 Trainspotting
Like half the movies that come out these days, it’s a sequel that nobody asked for. I did enjoy... more
The Killer
I’ve been ending the year with a little bit of a John Woo fest and The Killer is one... more
Sonic the Hedgehog
My twenty-something daughter swears this is the greatest cinematic series ever committed to film, but to me it’s just... more
Santa Sangre
This the first Jodorowsky movie I’ve seen if you don’t count that Dune documentary. It’s the tale of a... more
My Lucky Stars
I swear this is the last of the Lucky Stars movies I will watch. For the first ten minutes... more
Wheels on Meals
Wheels on Meals is a 1984 Jackie Chan and Sammo Hung movie that is a precursor to the horrible... more
Winners & Sinners
It’s the origin story of the perverts from Twinkle Twinkle Lucky Stars! It really isn’t much better than the... more
Lake Michigan Monster
Another film from the creator of Hundreds of Beavers. It used the same black and white old-timey style, but... more
The Possessed
A 1965 proto-giallo about a novelist who returns to an off-season resort in search of a girl he photographed... more
Twinkle Twinkle Lucky Stars
Sammo Hung directs and stars in this incoherent mess of a movie. You would never know he’s the star... more
Hundreds of Beavers
Hundreds of Beavers is essentially a feature length live action Looney Tunes cartoon with a unique lo-fi style. There... more
Challenge of the Masters
Another film from my four movie Lau Kar-Leung blu-ray set has Gordon Liu as a nerd whose biggest wish... more
Heroes of the East
This Shaw Bros. classic starts out very promising. It’s basically a romantic comedy about a young entitled Chinese man... more
South Pacific
Another one of the old musicals which, as I watch, I keep saying to myself, “oh, this is where... more
Yet another plot-less art film from Antonioni about the tedium of life in early middle age. Wonderfully shot, but... more
L’isola Delle Svedesi
The Island of the Swedes, also known as Twisted Girls, is basically 45 minutes of movie and 45 minutes... more
I appreciate the brainy sci-fi themes regarding relativity and time dilation, but the “human” story about connecting with a... more
I watched this because the music was by Gazelle Twin. Ostensibly a horror film but it plays mostly like... more
Mission: Impossible Dead Reckoning Part I
Say what you will about Tom Cruise, he knows how to put together a decent popcorn movie. The plot... more
I’m starting to think this Jess Franco guy might be a bit of a pervert. Here we have another... more
High Noon
A classic western that doesn’t hold up against my beloved spaghetti westerns. The acting is stilted and the continuous... more
La Notte
I’m slowly working my way through the films of Michelangelo Antonioni. I think I liked this better than L’Avventura,... more
All of the artsy Italian films from the 60s seem to be about the same thing: wealthy middle aged... more
The Dead Zone
Christopher Walken’s evolution into a parody of Christopher Walken makes this a little hard to take seriously. In the... more
Animal House
Baby Boomers love this movie and you’ll often seen it ranked as one of the best comedies of all... more
Unbreakable was great. Split was pretty good too. Glass, however, is a piece of unmitigated garbage. The premise is... more
They took a one joke skit and expanded it to movie length! It’s okay. I laughed a couple of... more
Wise Blood
This was a weird one with hardly any plot. There are probably deep messages about faith, but I enjoyed... more
Dune: Part 2
It’s big, loud, and brown. Like the number in the name.
Step Brothers
This Will Ferrell comedy is exactly what you’d expect it to be. Add to the list of movies whose... more
Matchless is a late 60s euro-spy spoof about a reporter who finds a magic Chinese ring of invisibility and... more
John Wick: Chapter 3 – Parabellum
The entire movie feels like a slick commercial for a luxury car. In fact, there may be more convincing... more
Godzilla Minus One
Yes, it’s a very good Godzilla movie but it’s not quite the revelation that many reviewers are making it... more
How to Seduce a Virgin
Jess Franco was such a gifted director. Too bad he wasted much of his talents on softcore trash like... more
An American in Paris
Gene Kelly dances and sings in an attempt to woo a teenager. Mostly a mediocre musical with a visually... more
Man, Pride and Vengeance
This has all the look and feel of a typical spaghetti western except this takes place in 19th century... more
Gaslight [1940]
After watching the famous version from a few years later, I wanted to see this, the first adaptation of... more
The Devil’s Nightmare
The Devil’s Nightmare would pair nicely in a double feature with Bava’s Lisa and the Devil. Both films tell... more
The Werewolf and the Yeti
The title here is somewhat deceptive. The yeti vs. werewolf battle you would expect is just tacked on to... more
The Devil’s Possessed
Never mind the satanically suggestive title, this is just a cheesy riff on Robin Hood. Naschy plays the king... more
A Dragonfly for Each Corpse
Paul Naschy’s attempt at a black-gloved (and red pants’ed) killer giallo feels like result of a twisted game of... more
Hunchback of the Morgue
Paul Naschy is back to his old tricks. Yes, once again he’s killing animals for your cinematic enjoyment. Ok,... more
Two Evil Eyes
This is a horror anthology film featuring two stories, one by George Romero and the other by Dario Argento.... more
Fellini’s Casanova
Donald Sutherland is miscast as the titular Casanova in this beautiful looking interpretation of that story. Every colorful frame... more
The Paul Naschy Collection II went on sale and, of course, I had to get it. I’m starting off... more
The 1944 classic is apparently the second film version of the play Gaslight. This version takes its time establishing... more
Witness in the City
The third film in the French Noir blu-ray set is probably the best of the three. What’s so great... more
Back to the Wall
The second film in the French Noir blu-ray set is about as noir-y as noir can get. The movie... more
The Public Enemy
James Cagney smashes a grapefruit in some ditzy broad’s face… see. Then he becomes the gangster king of beer…... more
Paths of Glory
Stanley Kubrick made a World War I movie? Well, I learn something every day. In reality, most of this... more
Speaking of Murder
Speaking of Murder is the first film in a three disc collection of French noir movies I recently purchased... more
Boris Karloff’s final film role has him basically playing himself, an aging horror movie star whose films are now... more
Dressed to Kill
I don’t think I get Brian Depalma yet. The whole time I was watching this I was thinking about... more
Good gravy, the 70s were a great time for movies! It seems like they would greenlight a picture based... more
The World’s End
The third Simon Pegg/Edgar Wright collaboration feels much like the last two. Lots of jokes that come from strategic... more
A Bullet For Sandoval
A lame Italian Western that is only noteworthy because you get to see Ernest Borgnine gored by a bull... more
The Sword and the Sorcerer
This corny early eighties fantasy opens with some great creature effects and then proceeds to bore the audience for... more
Legend of Dinosaurs & Monster Birds
I had this movie on my DVD wishlist for many years and never got around to buying it. I... more
Sieben Tage Frist
Also known as School of Fear, this krimi is about a boarding school for boys where the students sneak... more
A Korean fast-zombie zombie movie that focuses on the survival of a single kid in an apartment complex. His... more
Der Mörder
This 1963 black and white Krimi opens up with a nebbish man killing his wife at a rural bus... more
Brian and Charles
This is a one joke movie about a man who creates a robot. The joke is that the robot... more
Ernesto Gastaldi is much better known as a screenwriter rather than a director. He’s responsible for some of the... more
I enjoyed this movie for the most part but there were a few plot points that felt off, and... more
Wet Hot American Summer
A goofball comedy about summer camp councilors created by the people behind the 90s sketch show, The State. Apparently... more
Nightmares Come at Night
The only thing this Jess Franco movie has going for it is its score by Bruno Nicolai. The rest... more
Gamera 3: Revenge of Iris
The third Gamera reboot film is the best of the three. It actually takes some time to establish some... more
Gamera 2: Attack of the Legion
Another passable giant monster movie from Japan. The its predecessor there is absolutely nothing interesting about the human characters... more
Gamera: Guardian of the Universe
I wanted to watch a somewhat “modern” take on a Japanese giant monster movie. This was okay. The effects... more
Last House on the Beach
A group of young theater students and their chaperone (played by Florinda Bolkan) are held captive by a trio... more
Ninja III: The Domination
The sorta-sequel to Revenge of the Ninja doesn’t quite rise to its levels of unmatched 80s action. What it... more
A Haunted Turkish Bathhouse
Ladies and gentleman, it’s officially the one-millionth time a movie has been based on Poe’s The Black Cat! This... more
I respect the ambition of James Cameron and his plan for his Avatar sequels so I figured I should... more
Split Second
An Alien or Predator rip-off starring Rutger Hauer which takes place in the post global warming world of 2008.... more
Dr. Caligari
I wasn’t exactly sold on this movie. Most of it comes across as a sophomore art project with cheap... more
Phil Tippett: Mad Dreams and Monsters
Tippett has done some amazing special effects and animation work but you’d probably be better off watching DVD extras... more
The Devil With Seven Faces
George Hilton and Carrol Baker couldn’t rescue this hum-drum story from itself. I felt like nothing happened during the... more
The Man With the Glass Eye
I am just burning through these late sixties Krimi. This one is actually titled Der Mann mit dem Glasauge.... more
The Monk With the Whip
Also known as Der Mönch mit der Peitsche, this is the story of German college girls getting murdered by... more
Der Hund von Blackwood Castle
This one has some of the best Peter Thomas music. This is especially true during the opening titles in... more
Der Hexer
An early sixties black and white Krimi about a mysterious criminal who has arrived in London to get revenge... more
Gorilla Gang
So far, this is the wildest Krimi film I’ve seen. Despite the title, there isn’t as much gorilla crime... more
The Iguana with the Tongue of Fire
The writing of this giallo is absolutely terrible. The story doesn’t make any sense and every single person who... more
Creature With the Blue Hand
I’m beginning to get a feel for these German Krimi films: a masked killer, suspicion of supernatural, bumbling police,... more
Human Beasts
Another Paul Naschy film in which all the ladies can’t resist his barrel-chested charms. This one starts off in... more
Cold Eyes of Fear
A prosecutor and his lady friend of the night are held captive in the house of his uncle, a... more
Night of the Werewolf
Gothic horror is really where Paul Naschy shines. This werewolf/vampire movie is quite fun despite the fact that a... more
The Hunchback of Soho
I love the colorful look of these Edgar Wallace Krimi films from Germany. They really seem like live-action Scooby... more