Resident Evil 7

PC - Rating: 8/10

Resident Evil 7 is a stark departure from the most recent games in the series where the emphasis has been on action. This a return to the more pure survival horror roots of the franchise, but as played from a first-person perspective. This means lots more pure horror atmosphere in which the best strategy is to conserve ammo and run away when you can.

The story draws a lot more from Texas Chainsaw Massacre than from the generic bio-weapon zombie plots of the past (I would have preferred if it dug deeper into the mythology of The Ghost and Mr. Chicken). Only in the last act does it start to tie in with the other games in the series. Most of the time you are trying to defeat a family of evil rednecks in order to save your (possessed) wife.

The early parts of the game, when I didn’t really know what to expect, were genuinely creepy. It’s loaded with jump scares that are even more effective from a first-person view. But, in the end, I was never a huge fan of the old-style Resident Evil. I really just want to blast monsters and not continuously be searching for ammo.

At its worst, the game can be more stressful than fun. But once I got a handle on my inventory and the game world opened up a bit, I started to enjoy it for what it was.

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