Although the plot seems to bounce around from time to time, this is about as hardboiled as hardboiled detective films get. It’s filled with tough guy attitude that you can’t really pull off in films these days without some crappy slow-motion explosion/CGI camera spin/sunglasses removal/camera sneer shot.
This is my new favorite song of the moment! Download it here. Get the whole album here at Twilightzone’s Blog, where, at the moment, there is a great series of rare 45’s being posted under the moniker Trashcan Records. Fantastic stuff!
Update: is dead, as is my link to the song. Sorry. Here’s a YouTube version:
Man or Astroman? at their surf-iest. This is pretty much the blueprint for all of their pre Touch and Go records—when they didn’t mind being a surf revival band so much.
The first of many singles compilations from MorA? These early singles were some of the best racks the band ever created including, my personal favorite, the Mission Into Chaos EP.
A good well-paced sci-fi action movie. Didn’t quite live up to the the hype and is mostly noteworthy because of the South African setting and gritty documentary style. In hindsight, it’s just a rehash of movies like Enemy Mine or even Dances With Wolves.
Yes, it’s as bad as you’ve heard. Definately falls under the “so bad it’s good” category. I would recommend watching this, but only with a group of like-minded, cheese-loving people and, preferably, with a constant flow of alcohol.
This afternoon I came up with a handy little bookmarklet (or favlet) that uses the site to create a place holder graphic. Simply drag the following link to the button bar of your browser:
<a href="javascript:var q=window.prompt('Dimensions XxY (for example 640x480)');if(q){void(''+q))}else{void(0);};">Dummy Image</a>
When you click the bookmark it will prompt you to input image dimensions. Use the format, WIDTHxHEIGHT (for example 640×480) and a new window should open up with a downloadable GIF with those exact dimensions.
I just noticed today that a video I had posted in YouTube was just blocked in the U.S. because of some music I used in the background. Specifically, they blocked my PC Transporter video that I used to demo some hardware I was selling on eBay. The video is pretty mundane, but I used a Señor Coconut track in the background along with various beeps and noises from the Apple ][gs. Come on, who is going to download the song with all sorts of disk drive noises on top of it? WMG thinks people will do this, so now only people outside the U.S. can view the video. But, get this, if you can view the video in your region, it gives you direct links to download the song on iTunes or Amazon! That is a brilliant business move, but apparently using user created videos as a promo tool in the U.S. is beyond the pea brains at WMG. So, for my sake, please steal Señor Coconut’s record off the Internet (search for it on Google, you’ll find it for download from Rapidshare or similar site) and don’t buy the record if you live in the U.S.A.! I will find a way around YouTube’s blocker soon and repost the video here as soon as I can.