Movie Log: By Rating

Here are my movies listed in order or ranking, from best to worst. Ratings subject to change at any time.

Spirits of the Dead

Only the last of the three stories in this horror anthology is worth watching. It’s directed by Frederico Fellini... more

Star Trek Beyond

The destruction of this venerable brand continues in this latest reboot sequel. This is not the contemplative sci-fi of... more

The Antichrist

Starts out interesting but loses focus in the second, exorcist wannbe, half.

The Big Doll House

The Big Doll House is a 70s women-in-prison film which featured Pam Grier in more of a supporting role. The... more

The City of the Living Dead (a.k.a. The Gates of Hell)

More Fulci horror. Not much in terms of memorable scenes here, just the tacked-on drilled head scene. The zombies... more

The Curse of the Mummy’s Tomb

The second film on the Icons of Horror: Hammer Films is a disappointment. It’s completely devoid of any suspense or tension... more

The Decent: Part 2

A completely unnecessary sequel that really has to defy all logic in order to get the cast members from... more

The Devil’s Possessed

Never mind the satanically suggestive title, this is just a cheesy riff on Robin Hood. Naschy plays the king... more

The Etruscan Kills Again

An alcoholic archeologist (aren’t they all?) is at the center of this murder mystery that jumps from scene to... more

The Heroic Ones

This Shaw Brothers kung-fu swordsman epic is a bit of an overly long mess. The “heroic” characters are kinda... more

The Horrible Dr. Hichcock

This was directed by Riccardo Freda but I wouldn’t be surprised if Bava had some behind the scenes role.... more

The House with the Laughing Windows

I think I have a bias against films where the protagonist has a beard, unless said film contains magic... more

The Neon Demon

Although billed as a thriller, this is just art film garbage. I guess the point is to show of... more

The Odessa File

Lacks the pacing that could have made this a great spy thriller, and many of the performances are quite... more

The Omega Man

This classic sets itself up as a last man on Earth drama, but within five minutes kills that premise.... more

The Rise of Skywalker

This was an entertaining mess. I thought The Force Awakens was great, but it is so sad that whatever... more

The Suspicious Death of a Minor

A forgettable Italian police drama starring a guy who looks like a young Victor Davis Hansen. Plot was something... more

The Tricky Master

I’m not sure if this is supposed to be a sequel to Tricky Brains, but it’s just as bad as... more

The Wind Rises

This has to be the worst Studio Ghibli film I’ve seen. Of course it’s beautiful, but if it wasn’t... more


Fish out of water parts were okay. The stuff in Middle Earth was really dumb.

Tombs of the Blind Dead

Spain’s answer to Night of the Living Dead is slow moving and pretty stupid. These aren’t straight-up zombies. They are the... more

Tricky Brains

Having seen the horrible Fight back to School I wasn’t expecting much from this early Stephen Chow comedy. This one at... more

Troll 2

Yes, it’s as bad as you’ve heard. Definately falls under the “so bad it’s good” category. I would recommend... more

Twinkle Twinkle Lucky Stars

Sammo Hung directs and stars in this incoherent mess of a movie. You would never know he’s the star... more

Two Evil Eyes

This is a horror anthology film featuring two stories, one by George Romero and the other by Dario Argento.... more

Voices from Beyond

Well, you can generally count on Lucio Fulci for at least one fun scene in any movie he creates.... more

Warning from Space

The most notable thing from this 1964 Japanese sci-fi movie is silly the starfish alien designs. The point of... more

Zombi 4: After Death

I thought it was better than Zombi 3, but not by much. More gore, and an effective opening. Paper... more

Zombie Genocide

Sixty minute homemade zombie film. Admirable for a bunch of Scottish undergrads, but sloppy as all get out.

A Black Veil for Lisa

A police thriller in which the hero is a 60 year old detective who constantly thinks his 26 year... more

Beyond the Door

This film is an Italian Exorcist rip-off that takes forever to get to the puking, cursing demon action. The first two... more

Curious George

Very boring. Music gets annoying after a while.

Dario Argento’s Phantom of the Opera

After watching this, I think I am pretty close to having seen all of Argento’s films. I held off... more


A mediocre crime film from the forties with lots of hammy acting and a thoroughly ridiculous plot involving reviving... more


Stuart Gordan further assures us that Re-animator was a fluke. Bad acting, bad story, and horrible music. There is... more

Don’t Look Now

Don’t Look Now is known mostly for Donald Sutherland’s naked gyrations. I was more impressed with his hobbit-y mop of... more


Mildly Entertaining Disney faire


I’m sorry to report, but the Neil Hamburger movie isn’t that good. It’s not a movie about the Neil... more

Escape from the Bronx

A no-budget Italian ripoff of Escape from New York. Apparently, this is the sequel to Bronx Warriors so maybe... more

Fight Back to School

Stephen Chow could not save this tone deaf action/comedy. Made in the late eighties, there are maybe two or... more

Five Shaolin Masters

I just bought another Shaw Brothers box set and am watching the films in chronological order. This one has... more

Friday Foster

You know you are in trouble when the most convincing performance in your film is by Isaac from The Love... more


I am hesitant to call this a giallo even though it often appears on lists of the genre’s films.... more

John Wick: Chapter 3 – Parabellum

The entire movie feels like a slick commercial for a luxury car. In fact, there may be more convincing... more

Meatball Machine

After seeing The Machine Girl I was itching for more Japanese splatter, but it turns out most of these movies suck.... more

Murder in an Etruscan Cemetery

In keeping with animal themed giallos, this is also known as The Scorpion with Two Tails. I don’t know... more

Robot Monster

One of the worst movies ever made.

Shanghai Fortress

Alright, time to dig in to some CGI-heavy, big budget, us vs. the blue LASER summer blockbuster fare from... more

Shin Godzilla

Jeez, this one felt like sitting through a two hour school board meeting. 95% of the movie is just... more

Sieben Tage Frist

Also known as School of Fear, this krimi is about a boarding school for boys where the students sneak... more

Split Second

An Alien or Predator rip-off starring Rutger Hauer which takes place in the post global warming world of 2008.... more

Strip Nude for Your Killer

Well, if there’s one thing you can say about this giallo, it’s that the title is not a lie.... more

The Devil With Seven Faces

George Hilton and Carrol Baker couldn’t rescue this hum-drum story from itself. I felt like nothing happened during the... more

The Devil’s Rain

Even Shatner and Ernest Borgnine in a goat mask can’t save this lame devil worshipers movie.

The Ghost Galleon

The third film in the Blind Dead series features the return of the terrifying cheap skeleton hand prop. A couple of models... more

The Happening

Bad acting and a cheesy premise.

The House of Clocks

Aside from the laugh-out-loud “twist” finale involving a cat, a bag and a car driving down a winding road,... more

The Mansion of Madness

This is a 70s low-budget version of a Poe tale by the director of Alucarda. A reporter goes to... more

The Reincarnation of Isabel

This is a confusing mess of a movie. Somewhere a midst the toplessness is a plot involving vampires, witches... more

The Sword and the Sorcerer

This corny early eighties fantasy opens with some great creature effects and then proceeds to bore the audience for... more

Thor: The Dark World

None of the actors except the guy who plays Loki appear to be having any fun. Everything just feels... more

Violent Province

This is a terrible Poliziotteschi about a ruthless cop who has been kicked off the force but is determined... more

You Don’t Mess With The Zohan

A heavy handed attempt at goofball comedy that fails at least 95% of the time. The makers of this... more

Zombi 3

Fulci literally phones this one in. A few interesting shots, but mostly poorly paced and horribly acted with no... more

Zonbi Jieitai

No-budget Japanese zombie movie with a dumb story a few good gore shots and lots of horrible iMovie-quality digital... more

A Bullet For Sandoval

A lame Italian Western that is only noteworthy because you get to see Ernest Borgnine gored by a bull... more

A Cat in the Brain

One would think that a meta movie about horror director Lucio Fulci being overwhelmed by the gruesome images he... more

Assignment Outer Space

Low budget sci-fi from the 50s. Only noteworthy for its hard-scifi aspirations.

Beyond the Black Rainbow

I really did not like this movie at all. I was really excited to watch it. The still frames... more


Gangster/mad scientist movie that is only worth watching tsee the satyr burlesque number in the middle of the film.

Dark Waters

A Russian horror movie about a island convent that houses some sort of demon that is released when a... more

Dr. Goldfoot & The Girl Bombs

Mario Bava at his absolute worst. There is so much lost in translation and editing that this is barely... more

Dracula 3-D

I have finally gotten around to watching Dario Argento’s most recent movie—his 3-D take on the Dracula story. Everything... more

Five Man Army

Dario Argento wrote this boring Italian Western. Featuring a non-exciting action sequence of a man running for five minutes... more


Unbreakable was great. Split was pretty good too. Glass, however, is a piece of unmitigated garbage. The premise is... more

I Drink Your Blood

Low budget grindhouse production about killer, satanic hippies. Pretty boring. Only the last, zombie-flick inspired 10 minutes are kinda... more

Il Sorriso Del Ragno

A Eurocrime thriller about a fellow who gets wrapped up in a jewelry robbery. I’m not sure if he... more

Nightmares Come at Night

The only thing this Jess Franco movie has going for it is its score by Bruno Nicolai. The rest... more


I watched this because the music was by Gazelle Twin. Ostensibly a horror film but it plays mostly like... more


Woah! Joey Lawrence fights a sentient electricity monster. This is a lame made-for-TV quality film that takes forever to... more

Split Second

A terrible sci-fi monster movie where the action exists mainly in the form of Rutger Hauer grabbing other characters... more

Terror Creatures from the Grave

I came across this movie when it was featured in a list of pre-Romero zombie movies. The only thing... more

The Creeping Flesh

A zero budget Hammer horror that’s built around a stupid looking monster skeleton that Peter Cushing is researching. Spill... more

Tropic of Cancer

Similarly to Jess Franco’s film Venus in Furs, this has nothing to do with the classic book of the... more


This not so much a movie as it is a seemingly endless collection of stylized hero shots. The dialogue... more


Really poorly handled zombie sci-fi movie from Australia. Bad acting, not enough gags, and boring.

Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets

I was hoping for another Luc Besson film at least on par with The Fifth Element, but this was terrible.... more

World War Z

Well, the book wasn’t great, but at least it was a new twist on the zombie genre. The movie... more

Space Chimps

Horrible CGI and, except for a handful of gags, not worth your time.

The Plainsman

Gary Cooper stars in this black and white western about Buffalo Bill and Wild Bill Hickok. It’s a very... more

Zombi 5: Killing Birds

Absolutely horrible. It was like a student film from a C student. The overly loud sound of chirping insects... more