My Studio Space (2000-2007)

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Here are some pictures of my workspace from about 2000-2007, which was just a corner in my apartment. I work primarily as a woodcut printmaker. Of all the printmaking processes, woodcuts (relief prints in wood) are perhaps the least toxic. This means I can get away with doing my work in the confined space of an apartment. The process also requires very little in terms of equipment. A knife, wood, paper, an ink roller and ink are the only supplies one needs.

Art Studio 1

This is about the extent of my studio space. Because I can’t get too sloppy, I don’t really have a place to print my blocks, I usually move to my kitchen for that. What’s missing from this view is the TV and Stereo which are usually on while I work.

Art Studio 2

Despite the photographic chairoscuro of this scan, desk is usally very well lit. Like many woodcutters/engravers, I have have a whole bunch of tools for cutting, yet, I seem to revert to the same couple of tools (seen on the lower middle) all the time.

Art Studio 3

Here is my current series of woodcuts in progress. The two on the bottom which are completely black are the ones that I have already printed.

Art Studio 4

These days Nova’s drawing and painting supplies have taken over my space. You can see a hint of the print I am currently working on (when I have the time and energy to do art).