This record starts out with a bang and is almost as good as Junior Citizen. A couple of the songs near the end aren’t quite up to the level as the rest of the album (something about “King of the Hill” just annoys me), but overall another great record. The CD contains a bunch of interactive CDROM content that is now obsolete on a modern PC. Thank you Macromedia!
Originally when I reviewed this album I wrote the following:
Okay, so I’m like Mr. Garage guy right? Well, not exactly. This is a band from Champaign-Urbana Illinois that writes wall-o-soundish guitar rock with quirky, stop-start timing; all while keeping a pop edge to their songs. I’m not quite sure if I like this album as much as Junior Citizen but this disc surely has its moments. They using a bit more electronics and studio gimickry here and it seems to fit nicely with their sound. The CD is worth it for the cool mutimedia crap they included. Makes me want to become even more of a techno-geek. The Poster Children also call themselves Salaryman and play analog synth music on occasion.