New Website Launched!

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Well, it’s official. Robert Wm. Gomez’s Pages of Fun have moved to a new, personalized domain name:! I was surprised I was able to get the .ORG domain ( has been taken for as long as I have been checking).

In addition to this new address, The Pages of Fun have been completely rebuilt from the ground up using a fancy content management system called Drupal. I’ve tried to keep the look and feel of the site as close to the previous version as possible. The most noticeable change is that the layout has gotten wider to accommodate for all of the content management tools and navigation elements of Drupal. You may also notice you favorite page is gone. I tried to move everything over, but a couple things got lost in the move. But don’t fret. Now the site is searchable!

Design tweaks aside, the new system will make updating my site so much easier for me. That MAY mean more frequent updates, and, after a decade of resisting, this site might officially become a blog! Like other bloggy sites, I now have opened areas for visitor’s comments—that could be a mixed blessing. We’ll see how many spazzes feel the need to chime in.

One more thing. I now have a proper rss feed. I will be glad to never have to hand-code XML again. Please go to rss.xml and subscribe to stay on top of the latest additions to the site.

Pages o’ Fun Version 5.6 – 2015-2019

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Another incremental update to the theme. This time it’s mostly behind-the-scenes changes (I learned how to program styles in SASS). But there are a couple of minor tweaks to form items and some new CSS3 effects.

Then in 2019 I decided to upgrade to Drupal 8. Here’s what the site looked like just before I made the switch:

Pages o’ Fun Version 5.5 – 2011-2015

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This is yet another iteration of the previous design. By 2011 I had a much better understanding of how templating worked in Drupal and made a somewhat slicker template that adhered to 960 grid-style layout. Sometime during this period I did an upgrade to Drupal 7 and had to reworked the layout to be compatible with 7. In the process I made the site mobile-friendly with a responsive design.

Pages of Fun: Version 3.3 Dec 1999-Sept 2000

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One of the first things I did when I bought by new computer was update my personal site. I was and am still pleased with this result. It was my first serious use of style sheets, and for awhile had some cool animated buttons at the top. The animations were kind of flaky so I got rid of them early on. I liked the organization and relatively clean text layout.

The big problem with this version was that it rendered rather poorly in Netscape 4 despite the fact that it used a different style sheet for Netscape. A problem I still deal with in the current site, but to a far lesser degree (Please leave Netscape 4 to die, it is a really terrible browser…6 looks promising though). It was also way too table heavy for my more simplified HTML structured tastes, making it tedious to update and change.

Pages of Fun: Version 1.0 1997-1998

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Wow! This page is pretty clunky looking. Although I think there was briefly a version before this which didn’t use frames, this is the initial version of my pages. I like the puke-inducing pastel colors (seriously). I still enjoy the raw, whos gives a crap about usabilty feel of this version, and the oversized, safe-for-toddlers navigation. Otherwise..eccchh!

Pages of Fun: Version 2.0 1998-1999

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This version is many ways a slickened up version of v1.0. It uses much of the same color palette, but uses frames in a much more… er… elegant way. Say what you will, I think frames are a great idea and wish they wouldn’t get phased out like it looks like they will be. Anyhow, this site was typical of its time in that it was loaded with plug-in requiring sound effects, bloated rollovers, and lots of tables. Although, I was rather pleased with the liquid design that would fill the browser no matter how wide you stretched it.