Pages of Fun: Version 2.0 1998-1999

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This version is many ways a slickened up version of v1.0. It uses much of the same color palette, but uses frames in a much more… er… elegant way. Say what you will, I think frames are a great idea and wish they wouldn’t get phased out like it looks like they will be. Anyhow, this site was typical of its time in that it was loaded with plug-in requiring sound effects, bloated rollovers, and lots of tables. Although, I was rather pleased with the liquid design that would fill the browser no matter how wide you stretched it.

The Preacher - Sculpture

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The Preacher Front

Carved Basswood and Acrylic Paint

Here are a couple of views of my latest side project. This carved figurine was originally intended to be part of a chess set (this would be a bishop) but carving wood in 3-D didn’t turn out to be as easy as I thought it would be. Although now that I have painted this guy, I can imagine an entire set would be quite nice. On it’s own it looks like a bit of wall decoration from a cheap seafood restaurant. All it needs is some netting and a plastic crab.

Think Pleasant Thoughts - Pen and Ink Drawing with Digital Coloring

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This is a cover illustration I did for the Chicago-based lefty magazine, Lumpen. The general theme of most of the articles in the magazine is of the “Corporations are evil” variety. In this issue, there was much about the Genoa riots against free trade.

As retarded as I think the protestors are (I mean come on… smashing the windows of businesses is going to help the world’s poor?!?) I wanted to make an image that didn’t put blame on the cops yet didn’t come across as pro-fascism. Basically we have the thoughts that are running through the heads of the cops moments before they march down on the angry protestors. It can be read two ways. I one sense it pokes fun at the seemingly insipid thoughts of the riot cops, on the other hand, these are the same thoughts that run through most peoples minds (with one violent exception) and in that sense it humanizes the cops.

Anyhow, fight the man… buy American… say no to drugs.