Lumpen is a left-wing hipster magazine from Chicago that would occasionally release CDs and other multimedia projects. I knew Ed (a.k.a. Edmar) and he invited me to create a track for this compilation of 80s covers. I chose to do my take on Sparks’ “I Predict” off of their Angst in my Pants record. Again this a crude electronic piece using PC-based tracking software combined with a freeware text-to-voice program. The rest of the CD is a mixed bag of songs. As with any compilation, some are good, some are not. I will let you be the judge as to which category my track falls into. Download at the link below
I still have about half-a-dozen of these CDs wasting shelf space. If you want one, let me know and I might give it to you for next-to-nothing. Please don’t buy these from Lumpen. Turns out Edmar is kind of a liar, cheat and all-around dipshit and doesn’t deserve any of your money.