3:10 to Yuma

Classic Western. Okay.
Classic Western. Okay.
Incredibly bad movie that has to be seen to be believed. Has plenty of dull moments but it more than makes up for it in horrible dialog, voice acting and action.
Mediocre Italian western with a great score by Morricone. Drags on a bit.
Italian western starring Richard Harrison. Good end baddie and some stylistically good fights.
Amateurish production values and acting hinder this fairly effective independent horror film from the Philippines.
The best of the modern Batman movies. Forgoes the theatrics in an attempt to bring the comic into a more realistic world.
Mildly entertaining Japanese vampire movie that take a turn for schmaltz about halfway through.
Much of the intense “anyone can die at any time” atmosphere of the original are in this remake. More gory but the mutant effects aren’t any better than they were in the 80s.
Hitchcock thriller that falls flat with a dumb ending and unbelievable plot.
Good thriller with annoying Nike-commercial-esque style and bad acting.