The Fortune of War

Another Aubry/Maturin book. This one has both sea and espionage elements.
Another Aubry/Maturin book. This one has both sea and espionage elements.
Mildly amusing but poorly written memoir.
The books keep getting better.
Much better than the last book in the series.
Decent and weird graphic novel. Lots on indy comic cliche.
Weakest of the first 3 Aubry Maturin books.
I didn’t like this movie that much when I first saw it, but it has since grown on me. I write a bit more on it here.
Italian thriller from the early 70s. Beautiful colors and photography and an excellent Morricone score. Not the most complicated plot for such a thriller.
Brian Yuzna’s directorial debut about a rich kid’s paranoia regarding his family and the other members of “society.” Takes too long to cut to the chase but hold your interest for the most part.
Argento/Fulci production. Harkens to the Hammer era gothic horror films. Derivative but enjoyable.