About Me

Robert William Gomez, Wizard Master
American – b.1971
I have a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the University of Illinois – Urbana (major: painting), and a Masters of Fine Arts from the University of Wisconsin – Madison (major: printmaking). After graduating from Wisconsin I was hired by the school to teach life drawing. I taught four semesters of life drawing during which time I created my Life Drawing Web Page. I’ve worked as a printer’s assistant at Tandem Press, I worked briefly as a temp in Bloomington, Illinois, and I am currently working as a web designer/html monkey for Ajenda Interactive Media.
I reside in Chicago, Illinois where my wife, Wika, is podiatrist and my daughter is a spoiled brat and still find time every now and again to make art. But mostly I waste my time playing video games, watching TV and rocking out in my band, Nonagon.
Pretty awesome, huh? Send me an e-mail to tell me how awesome you think I am!
P.S. That wizard hat picture was taken decades years ago. Just imagine more gray and more chins and that’s pretty much still how I look today.
P.P.S. All typos are a result of me being drunk.